Pearson publishes the Hasselback Accounting Faculty Directory each year and “distributes it free to Accounting faculty, CPAs, and various other individuals and organizations. At least 13 articles in The Accounting Review list the Accounting Faculty Directory among the citations”.
But it is only freely distributed as a PDF file. The Excel version will cost you $1,800.
I have written a Python script to transcribe the data from PDF files into Excel, bypassing the $1,800 paywall. To transcribe the data, the script searches for “trigger strings” and exploits regularities in the directory structure.
- The GitHub repository is currently private
- The original Hasselback Directories (PDF files) can be found here
Below are the Hasselback Accounting Directories, as Excel files.
- 2016-2017
- 2015-2016
- 2014-2015
- 2013-2014
- 2012-2013
- 2011-2012
- 2009-2010
- 2007-2008
- 2005-2006
- 2003-2004
- All the above Excel files as a single SQLite file: Hasselback_2003to2016.sqlite
The 2016-2017 series contains 15,000+ individuals in 1,400+ schools across the world. Only full-time faculty and four-year schools are included in the database.
Column Descriptions
AcademicYear (SQLite file only) – Identifies the academic year for the entry.
Rank – Current job title in the university. A “$” means acting rank.
Position – Title of professorship or chair position.
CurrentSchool – This was the hardest field to retrieve. May require further cleaning for your needs.
Area – The person’s teaching/research interests. See here for the meaning of each letter.
RetireYear – Retirement year, if applicable.
Degree – Highest earned degree.
DegreeYear – Year of the highest earned degree.
PHDinACCT – Is the highest earned degree a PHD in Accounting?
CIA_Cert – Has the person earned a CIA certificate?
CMA_Cert – Has the person earned a CMA certificate?
CPA_Cert – Has the person earned a CPA certificate?
Email_ID – Email username.
Email_Domain – Email domain.
Start – The year when the person began full-time at this school.
I cannot guarantee that my Excel files are 100% accurate with regards to the original PDF directories. However, after manual inspection, I estimate that I successfully capture 95%+ of the eligible entries in the original directories.
Additionally, I removed some records for being “uninformative”.